1 . Adana
2 . Alville
3 . Amazon Mellow
4 . Amman
5 . Annapolis
6 . Aprilville
7 . Aril Vegas
8 . Beach Town
9 . Beanworld
10 . Calamatyville
11 . Carlisle
12 . Centre Of Attention
13 . City Of City
14 . Crashcity
15 . Crazzy Cod
16 . Crustcore Nation
17 . Dannyville
18 . Deadset
19 . Dragonland
20 . Dtown
21 . Duplicity
22 . Dustbowl
23 . El Paraiso
24 . Emerald
25 . Emerald City
26 . Entenhausen
27 . Eterna
28 . Fairyprincessutopia
29 . Fantasia
30 . Farris
31 . Fritzilvainia
32 . Gotham
33 . Happyville
34 . Hells Highland
35 . Hoganvilla
36 . Hollyhood
37 . Island
38 . Iwaleilei
39 . Jackson
40 . Jemo
41 . Jimmyjam
42 . Kallithea City
43 . Karachi
44 . Kas
45 . Katjaros
46 . Koo Koo Bird
47 . Lae
48 . Lala Land
49 . Land Of Plenty
50 . Laura Village
51 . Lego Land
52 . London
53 . Loser Island
54 . Lost Asylum
55 . Mac City
56 . Macattack
57 . Marshmallow
58 . Martianville
59 . Middle Of Nowhere
60 . Mirkwood
61 . Moore
62 . Mooseville
63 . Mount Olympus City
64 . My Three Boys
65 . Necropolis
66 . New Madrid
67 . New Mecca
68 . New Tronsburry
69 . Nicklypolis
70 . Nuttville
71 . Ohnevie
72 . Oouuughh
73 . Over There
74 . Pearl City
75 . Pipee
76 . S Vegas
77 . Sahara
78 . San Sweet
79 . Santa Montoya
80 . Satisville
81 . Sattsville
82 . Scottsville
83 . Scrambled Up
84 . Shadyville
85 . Shimmeroon
86 . Shittsville
87 . Sijudad De Deush
88 . Slavin Crossing
89 . Slugville
90 . Smallville
91 . Stoneville
92 . Tappy
93 . Tazland
94 . Tor Amarth
95 . Wabisabi
96 . Wartown
97 . Wellington
98 . West Destro
99 . Whatshamacallit
100 . Wurthdom
Thank you.